![]() 在今天的經文中,作者請求上帝幫助以色列人民,他說:「求你使我們再強盛起來;作為你的子民,我們要頌讚你。上主啊,向我們顯示你不變的愛;求你拯救我們。」(第6-7節)但是,這詩篇的作者並不要以色列人繼續犯罪、違背上帝,他要以色列百姓記得過去的罪,並且不要再犯、「不再走愚昧的道路」(第8節)。 當我們犯了罪,我們就失去了平安和喜樂。有一次,我的兒子做錯了事,他感到傷心,而我告訴他:「記住這個感覺,這樣你就不會再犯。」我們應當從錯誤中學習,這樣就不會一再犯罪。 也許你記得曾經犯了罪,你要請求上帝赦免你,並且讓你的生命再次活躍起來。—SH* 今日金句: 「願所有來到你面前的人都歡欣快樂!願所有愛慕你拯救的人不斷地說:上主多麼偉大!」 詩篇40:16 禱告:上帝,祢是如此令人敬畏!我期盼能永遠與祢同住。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Make Us Live Again!
Bible Reading: Psalm 85:1-13
Thursday, September 27, 2012
![]() In our Bible Reading today, the writer asked God to help the Israelites. “Please, make us live again! Make your people happy. Lord, save us and show us that you love us” (verses 6-7). But the psalm writer didn’t want the Israelites to keep on sinning against God. He wanted the people to remember their past sins and not do them again. “So they must not go back to their foolish way of living” (verse 8b). When we sin, we lose our peace and joy. Once my son did something wrong, and he was sad. I told him, “Remember what this feels like so you won’t do this again.” We should learn from our mistakes so we won’t sin again. Maybe you are remembering a time that you sinned. Ask God to forgive you and let Him make you live again! —SH* “But let those people that come to you be happy and rejoice. They love being saved by you. So let them always say, ‘Praise the Lord!’” Psalm 40:16 PRAYER: God, You are so awesome! I look forward to living with You forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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