![]() 這個遊戲的規則是:石頭可以打壞剪刀,所以石頭的手勢勝過剪刀;剪刀可以剪布,所以剪刀的手勢勝過布。但是,第三個規則讓我很難了解:布可以包住石頭,所以布的手勢勝過石頭;這對我來說很不合理,布要怎麼擊敗石頭呢? 當大衛躲避掃羅和他的軍隊時,他寫了詩篇第18篇。在第31節中,大衛說:「除了耶和華,誰是上帝呢?除了我們的上帝,誰是磐石呢?」在這裡,大衛稱呼上帝是他的磐石。上帝不像遊戲裡的石頭,布並不能擊敗上帝,任何東西都不能擊敗上帝! 上帝也是你的磐石,今天你就可以回轉向祂,向祂尋求幫助、安慰與平安! —SAH 今日金句: 「求你作我穩妥的避難所,作保護我的鞏固堡壘;因為你是我的避難所,我的堡壘。」 詩篇71:3 禱告:上帝,我知道我可以跑向祢,祢就會使我安全。感謝祢成為我的磐石。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Helps Me (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 18:30-37
Monday, September 10, 2012
![]() Here are the rules for the game: a rock can break scissors so the rock hand shape wins over scissors, and scissors can cut paper so the scissors hand shape wins over paper. But the third rule is hard for me to understand: paper can cover a rock, so the paper hand shape wins over rock. That doesn’t make sense to me. How can paper defeat a rock? David wrote Psalm 18 when he was running from Saul and his army. In verse 31, David said, “There is no God except the Lord. There is no Rock, except our God.” Here David called God his Rock. God isn’t a rock like in the game. Paper can’t defeat Him. Nothing can defeat God! God is your Rock, too. You can turn to Him for help, comfort and safety today! —SAH “Be my fortress, the home I can run to for safety. You are my Rock, my place of safety.” Psalm 71:3a PRAYER: Lord, I know that I can run to You and You will keep me safe. Thank You for being my Rock. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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