![]() 首先,我們需要研讀聖經,這樣我們就知道上帝要我們做什麼,並且知道如何抗拒誘惑。第二,我們不應該有不聖潔的思想;如果我們腦子裡想著做不好的事,我們可能就會去做。 第三,我們需要記得,我們的身體屬於上帝。今天經文閱讀的第7節說:「上帝選召我們,不是要我們生活在污穢中,而是要我們聖潔。」上帝要我們讓祂來掌管我們的思想與身體。 第四,我們可以幫助彼此活出純潔與神聖的生命。基督徒應該互相提醒要保持聖潔。加拉太書6章1a節告訴我們:「弟兄姊妹們,如果有人偶然犯了過錯,你們這些屬靈的人就要用溫和的方法糾正他。」 我希望你為了上帝而讓自己保持聖潔。—GT 「每一個人要曉得依照聖潔合宜的方法控制自己的身體。」 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:4 禱告:天父,我願擁有聖潔的生命。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林煜茹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
Friday, August 31, 2012
![]() First, we need to study the Bible. Then we will know what God wants us to do and how we can resist temptation. Second, we should not think impure thoughts. If we think about doing something wrong, we will probably do it. Third, we need to remember that our bodies belong to God. Verse 7 of our Bible Reading says, “God called us to be holy. He does not want us to live in sin.” God wants us to let Him control our thoughts and our bodies. Fourth, we can help each other live pure and holy lives. Christians should remind each other to stay pure. Galatians 6:1a tells us, “Brothers and sisters, a person in your group might do something wrong. You people who are spiritual should go to the person who is sinning. You should help to make him right again.” I hope you are keeping yourself pure for God. —GT “God wants each one of you to learn to control your own body. Use your body in a way that is holy and that gives honor to God.” 1 Thessalonians 4:4 PRAYER: Father, I want to have a pure life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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