![]() 瑪莉從馬太、馬可、路加和約翰等福音書讀起,這四卷福音書記錄耶穌的生平,是很容易閱讀的部份。但是,瑪莉開始讀舊約聖經後,她對這部份的理解就有困難了。 後來,她的牧師向她解釋,基督徒需要吃合宜的靈糧。剛信主的基督徒應該從容易懂的聖經書卷開始閱讀。這位牧師用小嬰孩做比喻,他說,我們不會拿一片蘋果給小嬰孩吃,為什麼呢?因為小寶寶可能會噎到,但是給小寶寶吃蘋果泥就沒問題了。 如果你是剛信主的人,你可以找教會的牧師或成熟的基督徒談談,請他們引導並幫助你閱讀聖經。這樣,你將會成長並成為堅強的基督徒。—NM * 「要像新生的嬰兒,時時渴慕那純淨的靈奶,好藉著它長大,得救。」彼得前書2:2b 禱告:親愛的天父,謝謝祢幫助我瞭解祢的話語。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林淑熹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
The Right Food
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:1-3
Monday, August 6, 2012
![]() Mary started reading the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which tell about Jesus’ life. It was easy reading. But then Mary began reading the Old Testament. She had problems understanding what she read. Then her pastor explained that Christians need to eat the right kind of spiritual food. New Christians should start reading Bible books that are easier to understand. The pastor compared this to a baby. We wouldn’t give a baby a piece of apple to eat. Why not? Because the baby might choke on it. But it is okay to give a baby applesauce. If you are a new Christian, talk with your pastor or a mature Christian in your church. Ask them to guide and help you in your Bible reading. Then you will grow and become a strong Christian. —NM “Be hungry for the pure milk (teaching) that feeds your spirit. By drinking that you can grow up and be saved.” 1 Peter 2:2b PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for helping me understand Your Word, the Bible. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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