![]() 當我們正遭遇苦難的時候,有時很難記得上帝永生的應許,正因為這樣,我會將一些上帝的應許寫在記事卡上。當我感到悲傷或在痛苦的時候,我就讀一讀這些經文,這些經文幫助我記得與上帝永遠同住的樣子。 今天的經文給了我們一個圖像,這個圖像描繪我們與上帝永遠同住的樣子。第4節告訴我們,將來「不再有死亡,也沒有悲傷、哭泣和痛苦。」第6節說:「我要把生命的泉水白白地賜給口渴的人喝。」 與上帝永遠同住將是多麼美好!今天,你要想想這一點並得著安慰! —IMJ 「我去為你們預備地方以後,要再回來,接你們到我那裏去,為要使你們跟我同在一個地方。」 約翰福音14:3 禱告:天父,感謝祢賜下與祢永遠同住的應許。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (葉佳楠譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Eternal Life
Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
![]() Sometimes when we are suffering, it is hard to remember God’s promise of eternal life. That is why I have written down some of God’s promises on note cards. I read these verses when I am sad or in pain. These verses help me remember what it will be like to live forever with God. Our Bible Reading today gives us a picture of what eternal life with God will be like. Verse 4 tells us that there will be “no more death, sadness, crying or pain.” And verse 6b says, “I will give free water from the spring of the water of life to any person that is thirsty.” It will be wonderful to live with God forever. Think about this and be encouraged today! —IMJ “After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you with me, so that you can be where I am.” John 14:3 PRAYER: Father, thank You for the promise of living forever with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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