![]() 秋天的時候,鵝群就會開始離開,飛往較溫暖的地方,但是卻有一小群留在池塘裡不走。當大雪紛飛時,我看到這些鵝努力地走在冰上找水喝,我懷疑牠們是不是有辦法找到水。 終於我注意到,在池塘的邊緣總是有一些殘留的水。當鵝群發現了這些水後,牠們就舞動翅膀,看起來好像很興奮的樣子。 在生活中,有時候我們會遇到難題──就像那些鵝遇到找不到水喝的難題,但是今天經文的第18節提醒我們,即便在我們感到絕望的時候,上帝仍然沒有忘記我們。 今天,你不可忘記上帝會與你同在。—BH 「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。」 詩篇23:1 禱告:上帝,我很感謝祢供應一切我所需要的。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (尤榮輝譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Birds (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 9:1-20
Wednesday, August 9, 2012
![]() In the fall, groups of geese began to fly away to a warmer climate. But one small group stayed at the pond. As the snow started to swirl around, I watched the geese try to walk across the ice. I wondered how the geese were able to find water to drink. Finally I noticed that there always seemed to be a small amount of water at the edge of the pond. When the geese found this water, they flapped their wings like they were excited. Sometimes in life we face problems — like the geese had a problem finding water. But verse 18 of our Bible Reading reminds us that even when we think we don’t have hope, God doesn’t forget us. Don’t forget that God will be with you today! —BH “The Lord is my shepherd. I will always have everything I need.” Psalm 23:1 PRAYER: God, I am so thankful that You provide everything I need. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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