![]() 其中一段出現了一隻企鵝寶寶和牠的媽媽。企鵝媽媽站在一堆雪的上面,那時正下著雪,風吹打著企鵝媽媽,但是企鵝寶寶坐在媽媽的腳掌上並藏在媽媽的育兒袋裡,在裡面,寶寶很溫暖也很安全。 那隻企鵝媽媽和寶寶形成了一幅美麗的畫面,而上帝照顧我們也像這樣。在今天聖經閱讀的第7和第8節中,大衛說:「因為你時時幫助我;我在你翅膀的庇護下歡樂歌唱。我緊緊跟隨你;你的右手扶持我。」 有時候我遇到生命中一些不好的事情,如生病、財務困難或死亡。這些事情就像是吹打著企鵝的風雪,但是上帝會保護我們,就像企鵝媽媽保護牠的孩子一樣。 上帝想要親近你、愛你並且保護你,今天你就倚靠祂。 —BH 「他要用翅膀庇護你。」詩篇91:4a 禱告:上帝,今天請保護我。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林煜茹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Birds (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-8
Friday, August 10, 2012
![]() One segment showed a baby penguin and its mother. The mother was standing on a pile of snow. It was snowing and the wind was blowing all around the mother penguin. But the baby penguin was sitting on the mother’s feet, tucked away under a flap of skin and feathers. Here the baby was safe and warm. That mother and baby penguin are a beautiful picture of how God takes care of us. In verses 7 and 8 of our Bible Reading today, David said, “You really have helped me! I am happy that you protected me! My soul clings to you. And you hold my hand.” Sometimes I face bad things in life like sickness, financial troubles or death. These things are like the snow and wind that surrounded the penguins. But God will protect us, just like the mother penguin protected her baby. God wants to be close to you and love and protect you. Depend on Him today. —BH “He will protect you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.” Psalm 91:4b PRAYER: God, please protect me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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