![]() 奶奶七十幾歲時發現得了癌症。她到醫院接受治療,但是身體卻越來越虛弱,最後仍然去世了。在整個生病的期間,我從沒有聽過奶奶向上帝抱怨,或是失去對祂的信心。我記得在她過世的幾個星期前,所有家人聚集在她的住處,當時奶奶提到,她多麼希望我們每個人都預備好要與耶穌永遠同住。 奶奶知道和上帝在一起的永生是多麼美好。她一定很同意今天經文中保羅所說的:「從今以後,有公義的華冠等著我。」(第8節) 我的奶奶會跟人傳講耶穌和永生。我希望你也會分享這個令人興奮的福音,給今天所遇到的人。 —CW* 「那值得競爭的賽跑,我已經跑過;該跑的全程,我已經跑完;該守的信仰,我已經守住。」 提摩太後書4:7 禱告:上帝,謝謝祢應許我享有與祢同在的永生。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林淑熹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
My Grandma (7)
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Sunday, August 5, 2012
![]() When Grandma was in her seventies, she learned that she had cancer. She went to the hospital for treatments, but she became weaker and eventually died. Through all the time that she was sick, I never heard Grandma complain to God or lose her faith in Him. I remember that the whole family gathered at her house a few weeks before she died. Grandma talked about how she wanted all of us to be ready to live forever with Jesus. Grandma knew how wonderful eternal life with God will be. She would have agreed with Paul’s words in our Bible Reading today. “Now, a crown (reward) is waiting for me. I will get that crown for being right with God” (verse 8a). My grandmother shared about Jesus and eternal life. I hope that you will share this exciting news with someone you meet today. —CW* “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 PRAYER: God, thank You for the promise of eternal life with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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