
on 2012年8月28日 星期二

這不公平! 今天的經文是由一位名叫亞薩的人寫的。在這些經節裡,他談到一些不遵從上帝的人。




It’s Not Fair!
Bible Reading: Psalm 73:1-28
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It’s Not Fair! Our Bible verses today were written by a man named Asaph. In these verses he talked about people who did not follow God.
Asaph said that these people had an easy life and didn’t have any troubles (verses 4-5). They had jewels and fancy clothes (verse 6). Asaph was jealous of these people. He was saying, “God, it’s not fair!”
But then in verse 17, Asaph said that he went to the temple. This experience helped him understand that he had something even greater than wealth or fame. He had God’s love and protection forever! Asaph decided that those people who have everything on earth, but do not know God, will have nothing in the end.
Sometimes we may be tempted to envy people who have wealth and popularity. But Christians have what is really important. We have Jesus as our Savior and the promise of eternal life with God. Which will you choose today — to have many things or to have a place in God’s kingdom? —DJH*

“As for me, I have come to God. And that is good for me. I have made the Lord my Master, my place of safety.” Psalm 73:28a

PRAYER: Dear God, I choose You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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