![]() 亞薩說,這些人過著輕鬆的日子,他們沒有遇到任何困難(4-5節),而且擁有珠寶並穿昂貴的衣服(第6節)。亞薩嫉妒這些人,他說:「上帝,這不公平!」 但是在第17節,亞薩說,他進了聖殿。這個經驗幫助他明白,他所擁有的東西比財富和名聲更大更好,因為他擁有的是上帝永遠的愛與保護!亞薩相信,那些在地上擁有一切卻不認識上帝的人,到了末日,將會一無所有。 有時候,我們可能會受到試探而去羡慕那些擁有財富與名望的人,但是基督徒所擁有的才是真正重要的。我們有耶穌成為我們的救主,也擁有與上帝一同享受永生的應許。今天你會選擇什麼——擁有很多東西?或是在上帝的國度裡擁有一席之地?—DJH 「至於我,我能夠親近上帝多麼好啊!我以至高的上主作我的避難所。」詩篇73:28a 禱告:親愛的上帝,今天我選擇祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
It’s Not Fair!
Bible Reading: Psalm 73:1-28
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
![]() Asaph said that these people had an easy life and didn’t have any troubles (verses 4-5). They had jewels and fancy clothes (verse 6). Asaph was jealous of these people. He was saying, “God, it’s not fair!” But then in verse 17, Asaph said that he went to the temple. This experience helped him understand that he had something even greater than wealth or fame. He had God’s love and protection forever! Asaph decided that those people who have everything on earth, but do not know God, will have nothing in the end. Sometimes we may be tempted to envy people who have wealth and popularity. But Christians have what is really important. We have Jesus as our Savior and the promise of eternal life with God. Which will you choose today — to have many things or to have a place in God’s kingdom? —DJH* “As for me, I have come to God. And that is good for me. I have made the Lord my Master, my place of safety.” Psalm 73:28a PRAYER: Dear God, I choose You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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