![]() 在今天的經文中,以色列人已經準備好要進入上帝應許賜給他們的新地土,而摩西要以色列人記住上帝的律法。在這些經文裡,摩西提醒以色列人要對上帝忠實,並且也告訴他們要單單愛上帝、敬拜上帝。摩西教導以色列人不可離開上帝,這就是「忠實」的意義。 我們也要對上帝忠實,上帝應該是我們生活中最重要的部份。當我們對丈夫或妻子忠實,我們就是對上帝忠實;當我們對朋友忠實,我們也同時表明對上帝的忠實。我希望你對上帝忠實,就從今天開始,你要忠實地愛上帝、服事上帝。 —JK 「你們要一心一意愛他,事奉他」申命記10:12b 禱告:上帝,祢是我生命的至寶,請幫助我對你忠實。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (尤榮輝譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Friday, August 24, 2012
![]() In our Bible Reading, the Israelites were ready to go into the new land that God had promised to them. Moses wanted the people to remember God’s law. In these verses, Moses reminded the Israelites to be faithful to God. Moses also told them to love and worship only God. He taught them to never leave God. That is what faithfulness means. We, too, should be faithful to God. He should be most important in our lives. When we are faithful to our husband or wife, we are being faithful to God. When we are faithful to our friends, we also show our faithfulness to God. I hope that you are faithful to God. Start today to faithfully love and serve Him. —JK “God wants you to love him and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12b PRAYER: God, You are most important to me. Help me to be faithful to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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