![]() 我記得奶奶會帶鄰居去看醫生,也會帶他們去超級市場買東西。有一次,在我父母日子不好過的時候,奶奶帶我去商店,然後買了一件冬天的外套給我。 今天的經文告訴我們如何與別人相處得好:就是要與上帝的子民彼此包容並分享所擁有的,而且要能和睦相處,並願意和那些不被看重的人做朋友。 奶奶真的很愛人,她是你我效法的好榜樣。今天就找機會向別人表達你對他們的愛。 —CW* 「愛人要真誠。要厭棄邪惡,持守良善。要以手足之情相親相愛;」羅馬書12:9-10 禱告:天父,我願意向人表達我的愛。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林淑熹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
My Grandma (6)
Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-18
Saturday, August 4, 2012
![]() I remember that Grandma took her neighbors to their doctor appointments and to the grocery store. One time when my parents were going through rough times, Grandma took me to the store and bought me a new winter coat. Our Bible Reading tells us how we can get along with people: be patient, share with God’s people, live together in peace and be willing to be friends with people who are not important to other people. Grandma really loved people. She is a good example for you and me to follow. Look for ways today to show other people that you love them. —CW* “Your love must be real. Hate the things that are evil. Do only the things that are good. Love each other in a way that you feel close to each other like brothers and sisters.” Romans 12:9-10a PRAYER: Father in heaven, I want to show my love for other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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