![]() 這個故事中,有三個人路過並且看見那個躺在路邊的人。前面的兩個人是猶太人,但他們只繞了過去,並沒有停下來幫助那個人;而第三個人是一個撒馬利亞人,卻停下來幫忙。這個撒馬利亞人雖然是猶太人的敵人,但他仍然停下來並把那個人帶到旅舍,他甚至付錢給旅舍的老闆,讓老闆能繼續照顧這個受傷的人! 耶穌說這個故事是要幫助我們了解,我們應該去愛並且去幫助所有的人,我們不應該只幫助那些跟我們有相同想法,或者跟我們有相同膚色的人。 也許,上帝會賜給你一個幫助別人的機會。今天,你要準備好,去把上帝的愛表現出來。—ECW 「你要全心、全情、全力、全意愛主─你的上帝,又要愛鄰人,像愛自己一樣。」路加福音10:27 禱告:親愛的上帝,我願去愛鄰人就如同愛自己一樣。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Luke 10:30-37
Thursday, August 30, 2012
![]() Three people walked by and saw the man lying by the road. The first two men were Jews. But they did not stop to help the man. They just went around him. But the third man, a Samaritan, stopped to help. He was an enemy of the Jews, but he still stopped and took the man to an inn . The Samaritan even gave the innkeeper money so he could continue to take care of the man who was hurt! Jesus told this story to help us understand that we should love and help all people. We should not just help people who think like we do or have the same color skin. Maybe God will give you a chance to help someone. Be prepared to show God’s love today! —ECW “You must love the Lord your God. You must love him with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Also, you must love other people the same as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27 PRAYER: Dear God, I want to love other people the same as I love myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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