![]() 做檸檬派並不容易,需要花很多時間。我用了新鮮的檸檬,並且為每一種材料準備好適當的量。我在前一個晚上做好派皮,然後在隔天早上桿麵糰。我小心謹慎地準備好餡料並將它倒入派皮中。 在烤派的時候,我才知道朋友們沒辦法來我家,這讓我好傷心,因為我為了做派花了不少的時間與心力。然後,我想起了今天聖經閱讀裡的故事,我才明白,原來工作或者為朋友操心其實沒那麼重要,重要的是我與耶穌之間的關係。 無論今天你要做什麼,要確定你做了最重要的事情,就是花一些時間與耶穌在一起,讀祂的話語,並跟祂說話,就像馬利亞所做的一樣。 —ECW 「但是只有一件是不可缺少的。馬利亞已經選擇了那最好的;沒有人能從她手中奪走。」路加福音10:42 禱告:天父,幫助我專心在祢和祢的話語上。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (葉佳楠譯/台南聖教會英語團契 ) |
Lemon Pie
Bible Reading: Luke 10:38-42
Saturday, August 11, 2012
![]() This kind of lemon pie was not easy to make, and it required lots of time. I used fresh lemons, and I measured the ingredients well. I made the pie crust the night before and rolled out the dough the next morning. I carefully prepared the filling and poured it into the crust. As the pie was baking, I found out that my friends could not come to my house. I was so sad. I had worked and worried over that pie. Then I remembered the story in our Bible Reading today. I realized that working and worrying about guests is not really important. What is important is my relationship with Jesus! No matter what you are doing today, be sure that you do the most important thing — spend some time with Jesus. Read His Word and talk to Him, just like Mary did! —ECW “Only one thing is important. Mary has made the right choice; and it will never be taken away from her.”Luke 10:42 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to focus on You and Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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