![]() 蘇西是一隻好狗狗,只是有一個缺點。蘇西很愛亂吠,客人還沒進門就開始吠,等客人進了門、坐下來,牠仍然不停地吠;當電話響起,蘇西也會吠。這讓奶奶不太高興,就會對蘇西說:「不要大驚小怪!」 蘇西的亂吠使我想起我們有時候的表現。當問題和困難發生時,我們就抱怨、擔心,與焦急。有時候,我們忙著憂慮以致於忘記禱告求上帝幫助我們。 上帝不要我們憂慮不快樂。經文的第7節告訴我們:「要把一切憂慮都卸給他,因為他關心你們。」今天,你遇到了困難嗎?不要擔心!你要信靠上帝,祂一定會幫助你。 —CW* 「你們應該一無掛慮;要在禱告中把你們所需要的告訴上帝,」腓立比書4:6a 禱告:天父,我要一直信靠祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林淑熹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
My Grandma (3)
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:6-7
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
![]() Susie was a good dog, but she had one fault. She barked too much. Susie barked when visitors came to the door, and she would continue to bark after they had entered the house and sat down. Susie also barked when the phone rang. This annoyed Grandma, and she would tell Susie, “Don’t make such a fuss!” Susie’s barking reminds me how we act sometimes. Problems and difficult times happen and then we complain, worry and fret. Sometimes we are so busy worrying that we forget to pray and ask for God’s help. God does not want us to be worried and unhappy. Verse 7 of our Bible Reading tells us, “Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you.” Are you facing problems today? Don’t worry! Trust God to help you. —CW* “Don’t worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need.” Philippians 4:6a PRAYER: Father, I want to always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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