![]() 今天的經文告訴我們,乃縵有一個問題──他患了痳瘋病 (一種可怕的皮膚病)。那個小女孩說:「但願我主人(乃縵)能去見住在撒馬利亞的那先知(以利沙)!他一定會醫好他的痳瘋病。」(第3b節)。 所以乃縵就去見了以利沙,以利沙告訴乃縵,要他到約旦河去洗七次澡。乃縵照他的話做了,他的病也得到醫治,同時也讓他開始相信那唯一的真神──上帝。 上帝使用一個小女孩去告訴乃縵如何讓他的病得醫治,同樣的,上帝也可以使用我們把人帶到祂的面前。今天,你要找機會向所遇見的人分享耶穌的好消息! —ECW 「現在我知道,全世界只在以色列有上帝,沒有別的。從現在起,除了上主以外,我不向任何神明獻燒化祭或牲祭。」列王紀下5:15b, 17b 禱告:上帝,今天請祢使用我讓人更加親近你。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (EHI譯/台南聖教會) |
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-19
Monday, August 27, 2012
![]() Our Bible Reading tells us that Naaman had a problem — he had leprosy (a terrible skin disease). The little girl said, “I wish that my master (Naaman) would meet the prophet (Elisha) who lives in Samaria. That prophet could heal Naaman of his leprosy” (verse 3b). So Naaman went to see Elisha. Elisha told Naaman to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman did this, and he was healed. Naaman also started believing in the one true God. God used a little girl to show Naaman how he could be healed. God can use us, too, to lead people to Him. Look for opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus with someone you meet today! —ECW “Look, I now know there is no God in all the earth except in Israel! I will never again offer any burnt offering or sacrifice to any other gods. I will offer sacrifices only to the Lord!”2 Kings 5:15b, 17b PRAYER: God, please use me today to bring someone closer to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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