![]() 當人們成為基督徒的時候,就好像剛出生的嬰孩,正要開始在耶穌基督裡的新生命。新生的基督徒需要成長,更加認識上帝並了解祂的話語,也就是聖經。聖靈會賜予基督徒靈裡成長所需要的一切,這些東西就列在今天聖經閱讀的第22及23節裡。 今天經文的前幾節列出一些罪惡的事是我們不應該做的。除了不做壞事之外,我們應該將聖靈賜給我們的東西發揮出來。接下來的幾天,我們將更進一步來看聖靈所賜下的東西。 今天,請特別留意加拉太書裡的經節,要確定在你的生活中,你正表現出這樣的態度。—JK 「既然聖靈賜給我們新生命,我們就該讓他引導我們的生活。」加拉太書5:25 禱告:上帝,今天我要跟隨並且順服祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (葉佳楠譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
The Spirit Gives...
Bible Reading: Galatians 5:16-26
Thursday, August 16, 2012
![]() When people become Christians, they are like babies. They are just beginning their new life in Jesus. New Christians need to grow and learn more about God and His Word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit gives Christians what they will need to grow spiritually. These things are listed in verses 22 and 23 of our Bible Reading today. The first few verses of our Bible Reading list sinful things that we should not do. Instead of doing these bad things, we should develop the things that the Holy Spirit gives us. For the next few days we will look closely at what He gives us. Pay close attention to these verses from Galatians today. Make sure that you are showing these attitudes in your life. —JK “We get our new life from the Spirit. So we should follow the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25 PRAYER: God, I want to follow and obey You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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