![]() 上帝賜給我們每一個人特別的才能,每一個人各擁有不同的才能是很棒的事情。例如,我會讀點字,但也許你會做木工;你可能口才很好,但也許你的朋友是電腦高手。 今天的經文裡,保羅說,我們的身體需要許多的肢體互相配合,才能運作良好。教會是基督的身體,也是用同樣的方式來運作,教會需要每個基督徒照著上帝的旨意來行。 上帝給了你什麼樣的特殊才能呢?你會教導人嗎?或者你很會做飯?你喜歡幫助窮人嗎?或者你很會唱歌?你很會安慰傷心的人嗎?或者上帝給了你其它的才能。今天,你要想一想自己有什麼才能,要好好地使用這些才能來為上帝做事。 —CW* 「你們就是基督的身體,而每一個人都是肢體。」歌林多前書12:27 禱告:親愛的上帝,請讓我知道祢要我為祢做的事。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (林淑熹譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
My Grandma (5)
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Friday, August 3, 2012
![]() God has given us all special talents. It is nice that we have different abilities. For example, I can read Braille. But maybe you are good at making things from wood. You may be a good speaker, but your friend may be a computer whiz. In our Bible verses, Paul said that our bodies need many different parts so we can function well. The church, the body of Jesus, works the same way. The church needs every Christian to do what God has given them to do. What special talents has God given to you? Can you teach, prepare a meal, help the poor, sing or comfort people who are sad? Or maybe God has given you other abilities. Think about your talents today and use them for God. —CW* “All of you together are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of that body.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 PRAYER: Dear God, please show me what You want me to do for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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