現今我們有很多方法可以互相交流:我們可以打電話給朋友,或者用視訊電話來交談;我們也可以寫信給所愛的人,或是寄電子郵件給他們。 上帝要我們跟祂交流。我們可以透過禱告跟上帝交流,而「讚美」則是另外一種重要的交流方式。今天經文的第7節說:「我唱感謝的詩歌,述說你一切奇妙的作為。」當我們向上帝分享我們的讚美和感謝時,祂就會高興。 路加福音17:11-19告訴我們耶穌醫治了十個人,但是只有其中一個人為了耶穌所做的事而感謝祂。那個人「大聲頌讚上帝」(第15節)並且「俯伏在耶穌腳前感謝他」(第16節)。 今天,上帝要你將你的讚美獻給祂。記得,要因著祂為你所做的一切而感謝祂。—NW 今日金句: 「上主保佑我,衛護我;我一心信靠他。他幫助我,使我快樂;我要歌唱頌讚他。」詩篇28:7 禱告:上帝,我因著祢在我生命中所行的那些美好的事感謝讚美祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Psalm 26:1-12
Monday, September 30, 2012
There are so many ways we can communicate today. We can call a friend on a telephone or video phone. We can write a letter to a loved one or send them an e-mail. God wants us to communicate with Him. We can do this through prayer. But another important way we can communicate with God is through our praise. Verse 7 of our Bible Reading says, “Lord, I sing songs of praise to you. I sing about the wonderful things you have done.” God is happy when we share our praises and thanks with Him. Luke 17:11-19 tells us about ten men that Jesus healed. But only one man thanked Jesus for what He had done. That man “praised God loudly” (verse 15b) and “bowed down at Jesus’ feet” (verse 16a). God wants you to communicate your praises to Him today. Be sure to thank Him for all He has done for you. —NW “The Lord is my strength. He is my shield. I trusted him. And he helped me. I am very happy! And I sing songs of praise to him.” Psalm 28:7 PRAYER: God, I praise You and thank You for the many wonderful things You have done in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |