聖經閱讀:詩篇82:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本
今天經文的第1節說:「神站在有權力者的會中」。其中的「有權力者」有時候用來指「統治者」,因此這句經文也許是在談以色列的領導者。 這些領導者大概就是那些在法庭審理案件、給予懲罰的人,但是第2節告訴我們,這些領導者並沒有把工作做好,說他們「必須停止不公平的審判」、「不可再偏袒邪惡的人」。這些人原本有責任向人傳達上帝的心意,但相反地,他們對於上帝並不忠心。 身為基督徒,我們是上帝在世上的代表,我們應該讓其他人認識上帝的慈愛、憐憫、以及盼望。不論是跟家人共處,或是上班時間,或是出門到社區的時候,我們都應該這麼做。 有時候,向世界代表上帝是困難的,但是哥林多後書3:5提醒我們,上帝會賜給我們力量和智慧,這樣我們就可以讓人認識祂。—SH* 「我們的才幹是從上帝來的。」 哥林多後書3:5b
(姜冠群譯) |
Show God to Others
Bible Reading: Psalm 82:1-8
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Verse 1 of our Bible Reading says, “God stands in the assembly of the gods.” Sometimes the word “gods” was used to mean “rulers.” So this verse may be talking about the leaders of Israel. Probably these leaders were men who took care of court cases and gave out punishment. But verse 2 tells us that these leaders were not doing a good job. “How long will you judge unfairly and show special favors to the wicked?” These men were supposed to show God’s will to other people. But instead, they were not being faithful to God. As Christians we represent God on earth. We should show God’s love, mercy and hope to other people. We should do this when we are with our families, when we are at work and when we are out in the community. Sometimes it is hard to represent God to the world. But 2 Corinthians 3:5 reminds us that God will give us strength and wisdom so we can show Him to other people. —SH* “ It is God who makes us able to do all that we do.” 2 Corinthians 3:5b
PRAYER: Father, You have given me a special job to do. Help me to show You to other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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