
on 2013年8月12日 星期一
聖經閱讀:詩篇78:29-35 現代中譯本|合和本

抱怨  今天的經文中,詩篇第79篇的作者談到以色列人曾經發生的一件事情 (民數記11:31-33)。
「他們想起上帝是他們的保護者,至高的上帝是他們的救贖者。」 詩篇78:35

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Bible Reading: Psalm 78:29-35
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Complaining  In our verses today, the writer of Psalm 79 is talking about something that happened to the Israelites (Numbers 11:31-33).
 The Israelites complained to God that they did not have meat to eat. So God sent many quail (birds) to their camp. But God was upset with the Israelites because they were stubborn and did not trust Him. So God caused some of the people to become sick and die.
 Some people might read this Bible story and think that God is cruel and mean. But verse 34 tells us why God punished the Israelites this way. “When he killed some of them, the others would turn back to him. They would come running back to God.” God’s punishment helped some Israelites understand that they needed to come back to Him.
 Are you stubborn like the Israelites? Do you complain to God all the time? Stop complaining! Turn to God and praise Him for all He has done for you. —SH*
“They would remember that God was their Rock. They would remember that God Most High had saved them.” Psalm 78:35
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have been stubborn and complained. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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