聖經閱讀:約伯記1:1-22 現代中譯本|合和本
今天的經文告訴我們一個名叫約伯的人的故事。約伯所有的孩子和牲口都被殺了,約伯認為上帝已經遺忘了他,但是約伯仍然盼望上帝會留心聆聽他的禱告並和他親近。 約伯的朋友來探視他,他們努力要說服約伯相信,發生在他身上的不幸是因為他的罪所造成的。最後,約伯終於明白上帝從來沒有離開過他,同時約伯也了解到,弄清楚發生壞事的原因並不重要,重要的是知道上帝掌權。 在約伯記42:16-17,我們知道了更多約伯的事情:「這以後,約伯再活了一百四十年,親眼看見了自己的四代子孫。這樣,約伯長壽善終。」約伯的盼望終於得到了獎賞。 你的盼望也一樣會有獎賞。當你在困難的時候,不要放棄,上帝會永遠與你同在並照顧你。 -GT 「因為他們忍耐到底,我們認為他們是有福了。」 雅各書5:11a
(陳萍萍譯) |
Hope Brings Rewards
Bible Reading: Job 1:1-22
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Our Bible Reading today tells us about a man named Job. All of Job’s children and animals were killed. Job thought that God had forgotten him. But still Job had hope that God would pay attention to his prayers and have a close relationship with him. Job’s friends came to visit him. They tried to convince Job that his problems happened because of his sin. Finally, Job understood that God had never left him. Job also understood that it isn’t important to know why bad things happen. It is important to know that God is in control. In Job 42:16-17 we learn more about Job. “Job lived for 140 years more. He lived to see his children, his grandchildren, his great-grandchildren, and his great-great grandchildren. Job lived to be a very old man who had lived a good, long life.” Job’s hope was rewarded! Your hope will be rewarded, too. When you experience bad times, don’t give up. God will always be with you and take care of you. —GT “And we say that those who accepted their troubles with patience now have God’s blessing.” James 5:11a
PRAYER: Father, I will always keep my hope in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |