![]() 關於上帝的大能,詩篇第76篇給了我們更多的例子。第6節告訴我們,上帝「一斥責他們,他們的戰馬騎士就都死亡。」並且,當上帝審判時,「全地畏懼,默默無言」(第8節後段)。 這些經節告訴我,上帝如何審判邪惡的人,但也提醒我,上帝的大能足夠幫助我解決面對的問題。如果上帝能擊敗軍隊和國家,當我孤單並感到害怕時,祂也能幫助我。 今天,我也許會碰到問題和挑戰,如果我是孤獨一人,我可能會失敗,但如果我求上帝幫助我、支持我,祂將會使我堅強。—BH 今日金句: 「上帝啊,你多麼光榮!你擊敗敵人,從群山回來,多麼威嚴!上帝啊,你可敬可畏」詩篇76:4, 7a
God Judges
Bible Reading: Psalm 76:1-12
Friday, October 5, 2012
![]() Psalm 76 continues to give us examples of God’s power. Verse 6 tells us that God “yelled at those soldiers, and that army with chariots and horses fell dead!” And when God makes His judgments, the whole earth is “silent and afraid” (verse 8b). These verses tell me how God punishes evil people. But they also remind me that God is powerful enough to help me with problems that I face. If God can defeat armies and nations, He can help me when I feel afraid and alone. I may face problems and challenges today. If I stand alone, I may fail. But if I ask God to help and encourage me, He will make me strong. —BH “God, you are glorious coming back from the hills where you defeated your enemies. God, you are awesome!” Psalm 76:4,7a
PRAYER: Lord, I know that You will be with me today and help me stand strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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