![]() 當房間漸漸溫暖起來,裡面的人感到舒適的時候,他們就忘了壁爐裡的火。他們看電視、讀書,或是跟家人聊天,但是很快地,他們又開始感到寒冷,然後就有人會去攪動火堆、添加更多木柴,不久之後,火又燒旺起來。 基督徒需要跟上帝和祂的話語保持親近,當我們親近上帝時,就好像我們的心裡燃燒著熊熊的烈火。但是,當我們忘記讀經和禱告時,心裡的熱火就冷掉了,然後,我們就會去做上帝不要我們做的事情。 今天經文的第36節提醒我們,要看重上帝的話語勝過看重世上的其它東西。當我們這麼做的時候,我們內心的火就會再次旺盛起來。 今天,你一定要跟上帝和祂的話語保持親近。 —PD 今日金句: 「我要謹守你的命令;求你藉著你的公義賜我新的生命。」 詩篇119:40 禱告:天父,今天,我要跟祢和祢的話語保持親近。幫助我,讓我內心的火燃燒旺盛。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Psalm 119 (4)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 33-40
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
![]() The room heats up, and the people feel comfortable, so they forget about the fire. They watch TV or read a book or talk with their family. But soon the people begin to feel cold again. Someone stirs up the fire or adds more wood. Soon the fire is burning brightly again. Christians need to stay close to God and His Word. When we are close to God, it is like a fire that burns brightly inside of us. But when we forget to read the Bible and pray, the fire inside us becomes cold. Then we are not doing what God wants us to do. Verse 36 of our Bible Reading reminds us to think about God’s Word more than other things in the world. When we do that, the fire inside us will burn brightly again. Be sure to stay close to God and His Word today. —PD “Look, I love your commands. Be good to me and let me live.” Psalm 119:40 PRAYER: Father, I want to stay close to You and Your Word today. Help me to keep my fire burning brightly. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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