![]() 上帝創造了整個宇宙,而宇宙並不像拼圖那樣脆弱。今天經文的第90b節說:「你建立大地,使它長久屹立。」在宇宙中,許多事情持續不斷地發生,而我們卻常常將這些事看作是理所當然,例如:每天太陽升起、落下,海水漲起、退下,河水流動、高山聳立。上帝掌管宇宙,而宇宙也不斷地運行著。 宇宙是堅固的,它並不脆弱,但是,有時候我的生命卻是脆弱的。我會生病,也會沮喪,人們會取笑我,我的財務也會遇到困難,這時,我需要倚靠上帝。為什麼呢?因為我知道,所有的事都在上帝的掌握之中。 今天,你就要倚靠上帝! —PD 今日金句: 「上主啊,你的話永遠存留,堅立在天。你的信實萬世長存。」詩篇119:89-90a 禱告:天父,我知道祢掌管這世界,感謝祢向我顯現祢的愛與大能。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Psalm 119 (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 89-96
Friday, October 12, 2012
![]() God made the entire universe. It is not fragile like a jigsaw puzzle. Verse 90b of our Bible Reading says, “Lord, you made the earth, and it still stands.” Things happen over and over in the universe, but often we take these things for granted. Every day the sun rises and sets. Tides go up and down. Rivers flow and the mountains stand tall. God is in control of the universe, and it keeps on working. The universe stands strong. It is not fragile. But sometimes my life is fragile. I get sick or depressed. People make fun of me. I face financial troubles. Then I need to depend on God. Why? Because I know that He is in control of everything. Depend on God today! —PD “Lord, your word continues forever. Your word continues forever in heaven. You are loyal forever and ever.” Psalm 119:89-90a PRAYER: Father, I know that You are in control of the world. Thank You for showing me Your love and power. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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