聖經閱讀:詩篇119: 121-128
![]() 今天經文的第127節,作者告訴我們:「我愛慕你的命令勝過黃金,遠勝過精煉的金子。」上帝在聖經裡的教導是我們最寶貴的東西,我們應該珍惜上帝的話語,就像一些人珍惜他們的黃金和珠寶一般。 黃金和其它財物會遺失或者會被偷,但是,當我們把上帝的話語放在心裡面時,沒有人可以把它帶走。上帝的話語永遠與我們同在,就可以幫助我們遠離罪惡。 上帝的話語不像世上的書籍或教導,上帝的話語永遠是真理,我們每天都可以倚靠它來引導我們。今天,你一定要把讀經當作是最重要的事情。 —PD 今日金句: 「因此,我遵從你一切的教訓;我厭惡一切虛偽的行為。」 詩篇119:128 禱告:天父,我願今天比昨天更喜愛祢的話語,謝謝祢賜下聖經。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Psalm 119 (9)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 121-128
Monday, October 15, 2012
![]() In verse 127 of our Bible Reading today, the writer tells us, “Lord, I love your commands more than purest gold.” God’s teachings in the Bible should be the most valuable thing that we have. We should treasure God’s Word like some people treasure their gold and jewels. Gold and other possessions can be lost or stolen. But when we take God’s Word into our heart, no one can take that away from us. We will always have God’s words with us to help us stay away from sin. God’s Word is not like other books or teachings in the world today. It is always true, and we can depend on it to lead us every day. Be sure that reading the Bible is the most important thing you do today! —PD “I carefully obey all of your commands. I hate false teachings.” Psalm 119:128 PRAYER: Father, I want to love Your Word more today than yesterday. Thank You for the Bible. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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