聖經閱讀:詩篇119: 97-104
![]() 認真讀書並且在上課時專心聽講是很好的事情,然而,比這更重要的是,要讀上帝的話語並且遵行。今天經文的第99-100節告訴我們為什麼要這麼做,它說:「我比我所有的教師更通達,因為我思想你的教誨。我比老年人有智慧,因為我遵守你的命令。」 真正的領悟與智慧來自查考上帝的話語,只要研讀聖經,任何年紀的人都能夠擁有這樣的智慧並且領悟上帝的話語。上帝要我們歡喜從祂話語中學習,第103節告訴我們:「你的訓言多麼甜美!在我口中比蜂蜜甘甜。」 你要從上帝的話語來學習,這樣,祂就會祝福你,使你領悟並且有智慧。—PD 今日金句: 「我多麼愛慕你的法律!我整天不斷地思想它。」詩篇119:97 禱告:天父,祢是最棒的老師,求祢幫助我得著智慧並且領悟祢的話語。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Psalm 119 (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 97-104
Saturday, October 13, 2012
![]() It is good to study from books and pay attention to our teachers. But it is even more important to read God’s Word and obey it. Verses 99-100 of our Bible Reading tell us why. “I am wiser than all my teachers because I study your Agreement. I understand more than the older leaders because I keep your commands.” True understanding and wisdom come from studying God’s Word. People of all ages can have this understanding and wisdom if they read and study the Bible. God wants us to enjoy learning from the His Word. Verse 103 tells us, “Your words are sweeter than honey in my mouth.” Learn from God’s Word, and He will bless you with understanding and wisdom. —PD “Oh, I love your teachings, Lord. I talk about them all the time.” Psalm 119:97 PRAYER: Father, You are the best teacher. Help me to have wisdom and understanding. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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