![]() 經文的1-2節說:「行為無可指責、謹守上主法律的人多麼有福啊!聽從上主命令、一心順服他的人多麼有福啊!」當我們順服上帝時,祂就祝福我們,而跟隨上帝會使我們快樂。 聖經說,世人都犯了罪,並且不順服上帝,但是今天經文的第7節告訴我們,上帝是公正良善的,藉著祂的愛子耶穌,祂讓我們的罪得赦免。 你想要變得快樂嗎?那就遵從上帝在你生命中的計畫,今天你要愛祂,並且順服祂。—PD 今日金句: 「上主啊,你賜給我們法律,要我們切實遵行。我多麼盼望我能忠誠遵守你的律令!我若重視你所有的誡命,我就不至於蒙羞。」詩篇119:4-6
Psalm 119 (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-8
Sunday, October 7, 2012
![]() Verses 1-2 of our Bible Reading say, “People living pure lives are happy. Those people follow the Lord’s teachings. People who obey the Lord’s Agreement are happy. They obey the Lord with all their heart.” God blesses us when we obey Him. And following God makes us happy. The Bible says that all people have sinned and disobeyed God. But verse 7 tells us that God is fair and good. He has given us a way to have our sins forgiven through His Son, Jesus. Do you want to be happy? Then follow God’s plan for your life. Love and obey Him today. —PD “Lord, you gave us your commands. And you told us to obey those commands completely. If I always obey your laws, Lord, then I will never be ashamed when I study your commands.” Psalm 119:4-6
PRAYER: Father, I want to obey You. Thank You for forgiveness through Jesus. In His name. Amen.
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