![]() 有很多壞事發生在大衛的身上。他的敵人——掃羅王、其他的國家、甚至是他的親生兒子,都不斷地要殺他。在非利士人攻擊大衛後,他寫了詩篇第56篇,這些經節是大衛向上帝祈求幫助時的禱告。 大衛的敵人想要殺他,大衛說他們:「整天想破壞我;他們千方百計要加害我。」(第5節)。這些人想要毀壞大衛的名聲,也想要殺害他。 對大部份的人來說,現今並不存在要殺害我們的敵人,但是,有時候人們會取笑我們,並且想盡辦法要毀壞我們的名聲。我們應該要像大衛一樣,不要害怕,不論面臨什麼情況,我們都可以倚靠上帝。—JKS 「我倚靠上帝,必不懼怕。人能把我怎麼樣呢?」 詩篇56:11 禱告:上帝,謝謝祢應許永遠照顧我;當壞事發生在我身上時,幫助我記得倚靠祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Don’t Fear...Trust!
Bible Reading: Psalm 56:1-13
Monday, October 22, 2012
![]() David had many bad things happen to him. His enemies — King Saul, other nations and even his own sons — were constantly trying to kill him. David wrote Psalm 56 after the Philistines attacked him. These verses are David’s prayer to God for help. David’s enemies wanted to kill him. Also, David said that they “are always twisting my words. They are always making plans against me” (verse 5). These people wanted to destroy David’s reputation as well as kill him. Most of us today do not have enemies that are trying to kill us. But sometimes people make fun of us and try to ruin our reputation. We should be like David and not be afraid. We can trust God in every situation. —JKS “I trust God, so I am not afraid of what people can do to me!” Psalm 56:11 PRAYER: God, I thank you for Your promise to always take care of me. Help me to remember to trust You when bad things happen to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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