![]() 今天經文的第18節說:「願他們知道惟有你是上主;你是全地的至高主宰。」。耶和華是上帝的名字,在舊約聖經裡被使用了6,519次,猶太人認為,這個名字是如此神聖,甚至不應該把它說出來。 這一點告訴我們,以色列人是多麼愛上帝、尊崇上帝,當我們禱告和敬拜的時候,我們也應該向上帝表達對祂的愛和尊崇。為什麼呢?因為上帝祝福我們,並且保護我們。 上帝引導我並且幫助我,讓我每一天都感到驚奇,此刻,在我寫這一篇靈修文章的同時,上帝就好像在旁邊幫助我。今天,上帝也會引導你並且保護你,祂是至高真神!—BH 「我要感謝上主的公義;我要頌揚至高者的尊名。」 詩篇7:17 禱告:上帝,祢是多麼地聖潔!我滿心感謝祢為我生命所做的一切。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Most-High
Bible Reading: Psalm 83:1-18
Thursday, October 18, 2012
![]() Verse 18 of our Bible Reading says, “Then they will know that you are God. They will know your name is YAHWEH. They will know that you, God Most-High, are the God of the whole world!” Yahweh is a name for God that is used 6,519 times in the Old Testament. The Jews believed that this name for God was so holy that they shouldn’t even speak it. This shows us how much the Israelites loved and respected God. When we pray and worship, we should show God our love and respect, too. Why? Because God gives us His blessings and protects us. I am amazed at how God guides me and helps me each day. God is helping me right now as I write this devotion. And He will lead and protect you today. He is truly God Most-High! —BH “I praise the Lord because he is good. I praise the name of the Lord Most-High.” Psalm 7:17 PRAYER: God, You are so holy! I am so thankful for all that You have done for me in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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