聖經閱讀:詩篇119: 105-112
![]() 爸爸工作的時候也會用到手電筒,因為他是一名警衛。晚上的時候,爸爸會巡視各大樓,確定一切都安全,而手電筒幫助他走在安全的地方。 上帝賜給祂的兒女一道非常特別的光,今天經文的第105節說:「你的話是導引我的燈,是我人生路上的光。」上帝的話保護我們脫離罪惡,並且讓我們走在通往永生的道路上。 當遇到打雷、停電的時候,我們需要一支手電筒,否則就會身陷黑暗之中。上帝要我們每一天都使用祂話語的亮光,好讓我們脫離罪惡的黑暗。 今天,你要祈求上帝幫助你,讓你能使用祂的話語來引導你並保護你。—PD 今日金句: 「上主啊,你的誡命是我永久的產業,是我心中的喜樂。我決意遵守你的法律,直到我生命的終結。」 詩篇119:111-112 禱告:上主,感謝祢賜下話語來引導我們。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Psalm 119 (8)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119: 105-112
Sunday, October 14, 2012
![]() My dad used a flashlight at his job, too. He was a security guard. At night he would walk around the buildings and make sure everything was safe. His flashlight helped him see where he could walk safely. God gives His children a very special light. Verse 105 of our Bible Reading says, “Lord, your words are like a lamp lighting my path.” God’s words protect us from sin and keep us on the way that leads to eternal life. When we have an electrical storm and the power goes off, I need to have a flashlight. Otherwise, I am in the dark. God wants us to use the light of His Word every day to keep us out of the darkness of sin. Ask God to help you use His Word today to guide and protect You.—PD “Lord, I will follow your Agreement forever. It makes me very happy. I will always try very hard to obey all your laws.” Psalm 119:111-112 PRAYER: Lord, thank You for giving us Your Word to guide us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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