![]() 許多不順服的發生是因為人們將眼目放在魔鬼的身上,而不放在上帝的身上。今天的經文告訴我們一些人民和國家不順服上帝,這些人不斷地違抗上帝,但是他們永遠不可能得勝。而其他人「要以敬畏的心事奉上主,戰戰兢兢,俯伏在祂面前;不然,祂的震怒急如星火」(12節)。 但是別忘了,你和我也是不順服的人,每一次犯罪,我們就違背了上帝和祂在我們生命的計畫。我們不應該違背上帝!因為上帝愛我們,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給我們,好讓我們可以永遠與祂同住。 詩篇第2篇的作者總結說,我們要用順服和信靠上帝來代替不順服,我希望今天你能夠這樣做。—ES 今日金句: 「當存畏懼事奉耶和華…凡投靠祂的,都是有福的。」詩篇2:11-12 禱告:上帝,我不想要違背祢;謝謝祢的愛,並且謝謝祢差派耶穌為我受死。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Psalm 2:1-12
Thursday October 4, 2012
![]() Many rebellions happen because people pay attention to the devil instead of paying attention to God. Our Bible verses today tell us about people and nations who rebel against God. These people continue to fight against God, but they will never win. “But other people should be careful. The Lord is about ready to show his anger” (verse 12b). But don’t forget that you and I are rebellious, too. Every time we choose to sin, we rebel against God and His plan for our lives. We should not rebel! God loves us and gave us His only Son so we can live forever with Him. The writer of Psalm 2 closes by saying that instead of rebelling, we should obey and trust God. I hope you will do that today. —ES “Obey the Lord with much fear...People who trust the Lord are happy.” Psalm 2:11-12a PRAYER: God, I don’t want to rebel against You. Thank You for Your love and for sending Jesus to die for me. In His name. Amen. |
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