![]() 今天經文的第1、2節讓我想起這位謙卑的朋友,經上說:「上主啊,我不敢再狂傲,也不敢再妄自尊大。我不敢再有大企圖,也不敢再做力所不及的事。我的心寧靜。」這位朋友就像小孩子一樣,她信任每一個照顧她的人,她「安適滿足,像斷奶的嬰兒倚偎在母親懷裏。」(第3節),她接納並尊敬所有的人。 我想要和我的朋友一樣,成為一個謙卑的人。我不想去擔心別人怎麼看我,我要享受生活,並且擁有一顆平靜安穩的心。 今天,求上帝幫助你,在服事祂的時候,讓你保持謙卑和平靜。—ES 「狂傲使人敗落;謙虛受人敬重。」 箴言29:23 禱告:天父,請賜給我平靜安穩的心,讓我可以享受生活,並且幫助我成為一個謙卑的人。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Psalm 131:1-3
Friday, October 19, 2012
![]() Verses 1 and 2 of our Bible Reading remind me of my humble friend. “I am not proud. I don’t try to act important. I don’t try to do great things. I don’t worry about things that are too hard for me. I am calm. My soul is quiet.” My friend is child-like. She trusts the people who take care of her “like a satisfied baby in his mother’s arms” (verse 3). She accepts and respects all people. I want to be like my friend. I want to be humble. I want to not worry about what other people think about me. I want to enjoy life. And I want to have a calm and quiet soul. Ask God to help you be humble and calm as you serve Him today.—ES “If a person thinks he is better than other people, then that will destroy him. But if a person is humble, then other people will respect him.” Proverbs 29:23 PRAYER: Father, please give me a calm, quiet spirit to enjoy life. And help me to be humble. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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