![]() 詩篇第139篇告訴我們,上帝用特別的方法來創造每一個人;祂認識活在世上的每一個人。第17-18節說:「上帝啊,你的意念多麼深奧!你的心思多得難以數算!我要是數算,比海沙還多」,這句話的意思是說,上帝總是想到我們! 有時候,我忙到沒有去注意我的小女兒們,她們就會爬到我的腿上盯著我的臉看。這是她們提醒我注意她們的方法,但是,我們對上帝不必這樣,上帝總是留意著我們。 今天,上帝正注意著你。如果你想跟上帝說話,你不必買票排隊等候,你也不必擔心上帝太忙而沒辦法關心你。上帝愛你,祂永遠準備好要聽你對祂說話。 —BL 今日金句: 「主,我頌讚你,因為你可敬可畏;你的作為奇妙非凡。我心裏深深領會。」詩篇139:14 禱告:上帝,謝謝祢愛我。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Grains of Sand
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-18
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
![]() Psalm 139 tells us that God made each person in a special way. He knows every person who has lived on earth. Verses 17-18a say, “Your thoughts are important to me. God, you know so much! If I could count them, they would be more than all the grains of sand.” That means God thinks about us all the time! Sometimes I get busy and I don’t pay attention to my young daughters. Then they will climb into my lap and look at me face-to-face. That is their way of reminding me to pay attention to them. But we don’t need to do that with God. God is always paying attention to us. God is paying attention to you today. If you want to talk to God, you don’t have to buy a ticket and wait in line. And you don’t have to worry that God is too busy to care about you. God loves you, and He is always ready to listen to you. —BL “Lord, I praise you! You made me in an amazing and wonderful way. I know very well that what you did is wonderful!” Psalm 139:14 PRAYER: God, thank You for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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