
on 2012年10月20日 星期六

倚靠上帝  一般人感到悲傷或沮喪的時候,他們會怎麼做?有些人會退縮,會感到寂寞和憂鬱,也不想和任何人說話。傷心的時候,有些人甚至會吃毒品或是酗酒,但這都不能治療悲傷和沮喪。
 大衛給了我們很清楚的教導,我們應該以他為榜樣。下次你再感到悲傷或沮喪的時候,要記得這詩篇,並且記得向上帝尋求協助;當你倚靠上帝時,就有力量來讚美祂。你要記住,祂是上帝,是那位要拯救你的上帝。 —CPE*

「上帝啊,我渴慕你,像鹿渴慕清涼的溪水。永生的上帝啊,我渴望你;我幾時可以到你面前朝拜呢?」 詩篇42:1-2


Rely on God
Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-11
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rely on God  What do some people do when they are sad or upset? Some people withdraw. They become lonely and depressed. They don’t feel like talking with anyone. Some may take drugs or drink alcohol when they are sad. But these are not cures for sadness or depression.
 When you are sad or upset, what should you do? The writer of Psalm 42 tells us what to do. In fact, the writer tells us, not just once but TWO times, what to do. In verses 5-6 and again in verse 11, the writer says, “I should wait for God’s help! I will get the chance to praise him yet. He will save me! ”
 David gives us very clear teaching. We should follow his example. The next time you are sad or upset, remember this psalm. Remember to go to God for help. As you rely on God, you will be able to praise Him. Keep in your mind and heart that He is God, the One who will save you. —CPE*

“A deer gets thirsty for water from a stream. In the same way, my soul is thirsty for you, God. My soul is thirsty for the Living God. When can I go to meet with him?” Psalm 42:1-2

PRAYER: Dear God, I praise You and honor Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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