![]() 我持續用30英哩的時速開著車子,我感到不耐煩,想知道為什麼那輛車會開這麼慢。然後,我看到那輛車的車牌上貼著「殘障駕駛」的標示,我才明白為什麼那輛車不以最高速限來行駛。我覺得自己很糟糕,因為我是一個沒有耐心的人。 有時候,我對上帝也失去耐心,我想知道為什麼祂不快一點回應我的禱告,或是快一點解決我的問題。我需要記住,要耐心等候上帝,祂總會在最好的時刻照顧我。 或許今天你對上帝也會失去耐心,要記住經文閱讀的第5節,它說:「我安靜等候上帝;祂是我惟一的希望。」上帝要引導你、幫助你,並且要回應你的禱告──按著祂的時間! —NM 「要信靠上主!要堅強壯膽!要信靠上主!」 詩篇27:14 禱告:慈愛的上帝,感謝祢幫助我,讓我更有耐心,也讓我每一天都能等候祢來引導我。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Waiting for God
Bible Reading: Psalm 62:5-8
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
![]() I continued driving 30 miles per hour, impatiently wondering why the driver was so slow. Then I noticed the handicapped driver symbol on the license plate. I understood why the car was not going the speed limit. I felt terrible for being so impatient. Often I become impatient with God. I wonder why He is slow to answer my prayers or solve my problems. I need to remember that I should be patient and let God take care of me in His perfect time. Maybe you will become impatient with God today. Remember verse 5 of our Bible Reading. “My soul, wait patiently for God to save me! God is my only hope.” God will guide you, help you and answer your prayers — in His time! —NM “Wait for the Lord’s help! Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help!” Psalm 27:14 PRAYER: Loving God, thank You for helping me to be more patient and to wait for You to lead me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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