今天的詩篇談到一個人向上帝禱告、祈求幫助。這個人心情很糟糕,在第5節,他說:「我被丟棄在死人當中,好像被宰殺的人躺在墳墓裏;我成為你完全遺忘了的人,再也得不到你的扶助。」 這個人很沮喪,他感覺上帝與他隔絕,當耶穌被釘在十字架時,也許有同樣的感覺。那時,祂被敵人和控告祂的人包圍著,當耶穌承擔了我們的罪,祂感覺上帝與祂隔絕。 有時,我們會感到沮喪,以為沒有人了解我們的感受,但耶穌了解我們。人們傷害耶穌,甚至許多跟隨者離棄祂,而且最後祂被釘死在十字架上。 今天,你是否感到寂寞、沮喪呢?耶穌了解你!你要禱告並且祈求上帝幫助你,讓你感受到祂的慈愛與寬恕,然後相信祂會照顧你。 —SH* 「我們心中充滿喜樂,因為我們信靠他的聖名。上主啊,我們仰望你;願你的慈愛常與我們同在。」詩篇33:21-22 禱告:上帝,我很高興耶穌了解我的感受,今天,請讓我感受到祢的慈愛。奉耶穌的名,阿們!
(EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Separated from God
Bible Reading: Psalm 88:1-18
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Our psalm today talks about someone who is praying to God for help. He feels so bad that he said in verse 5, “Look for me among the dead people. I am like a dead body lying in the grave, one of the dead people you forgot, cut off from you and your care.” This person was depressed and felt that he was separated from God. That is probably how Jesus felt when He was on the cross. Jesus was surrounded by His enemies and accusers. As He accepted our sins, Jesus felt separated from God. Sometimes we feel depressed, and we think no one understands how we feel. But Jesus knows how we feel. People hurt Him. He was even rejected by some of His followers. And finally, Jesus was crucified on a cross. Are you feeling lonely and depressed today? Jesus understands. Pray and ask God to help you feel His love and forgiveness. Then trust Him to take care of you. —SH* “God makes us happy. We truly trust his holy name. Lord, we truly worship you! So show your great love for us.” Psalm 33:21-22 PRAYER: God, I am glad that Jesus understands how I feel. Please show me Your love today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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