![]() 今天,看看周遭的世界,同樣的事情依然發生。我知道我該做點什麼事,而第3及第4節告訴了我該做的事:「要維護窮苦人和孤兒的權利;要以公道待貧寒無告的人。要救援窮苦貧寒的人,使他們免受惡徒的欺凌。」 最近我搬新家,認識了許多新朋友,而我正在學習如何找出需要幫助的人。有些人,我可以幫他們準備一頓熱飯,或者,我可以分享我的財物,如果我沒辦法幫得上忙,我也可以找其他人來幫助他們。 也許今天你會遇見需要幫助的人,你要盡你的能力來幫助他,向他分享上帝的愛,並且禱告求上帝使用你來幫助他們更親近上帝。—BH 今日金句: 「上主啊,你要維護弱小者的權益;我知道你要為貧窮的人伸張公義。正直的人要頌讚你;他們要居住在你的面前。」 詩篇140:12-13 禱告:主,我願意幫助人。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Needy People
Bible Reading: Psalm 82:1-8
Monday October 1, 2012
![]() I look around my world today, and I see the same things happening. I know that I should do something. Verses 3 and 4 tell me what I should do. “Defend the poor people and orphans. Protect the rights of those poor people. Help those poor, helpless people. Save them from evil people.” Recently I moved to a new home. I have met many new people. I am learning how to find people who are in need. Some of these people I can help by providing a hot meal. Or I can share some of my possessions. If I can’t help them, I can find other people who can help them. Maybe you will see a person in need today. Do what you can to help that person. Share God’s love with them, and pray that God will use you so they can become close to Him. —BH “I know the Lord will judge poor people fairly. God will help helpless people. Good people will praise your name, Lord. Good people will worship you.” Psalm 140:12-13 PRAYER: Lord, I want to help other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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