![]() 基督徒父母有責任教導孩子認識上帝和祂的話語,教導從家庭開始,然後延伸到求學時間、敬拜時間,以及和其他基督徒的團契時間。 第11節告訴我們一些年輕人應該要知道的事,它說:「我把你的話存在心裏,免得我得罪你。」如果我想要通過一項拼字測驗,我就要好好讀書,同樣地,如果我想要學會不犯罪,我就要好好研讀上帝的話語。 上帝希望所有人,不論年紀多大,都能研讀祂的話語,並且學習事奉祂。第14節及第16節提醒我們要喜愛閱讀聖經,當我們認識了上帝和祂在我們生命中的計畫時,我們就會快樂。 今天,你要花一點時間閱讀聖經,然後記住你所讀的,並且應用在你的生活中。—PD 今日金句: 「我以你的法律為樂;我不忘記你的命令。」詩篇119:16
Psalm 119 (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Monday, October 8, 2012
![]() Christian parents have the responsibility of teaching their children about God and His Word. This begins at home and extends to times of learning, worship and fellowship with other Christians. Verse 11 tells us something that all young people need to learn. “I study your teachings very carefully. Why? So I will not sin against you.” If I want to pass a spelling test, I need to study. So, if I want to learn how to avoid sin, I need to study God’s Word. God wants people of all ages to study His Word and learn how to serve Him. Verses 14 and 16 remind us that we should enjoy reading the Bible. When we know about God and His plan for our lives, we will be happy. Take time to read the Bible today. Then remember what you read and apply it to your life. —PD “I enjoy your laws. I will not forget your words.”
Psalm 119:16
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