宣教士 (3)

on 2014年5月18日 星期日
宣教士 (3)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 2:5-11 現代中譯本|合和本

宣教士 (3)  在美國,當我們吃東西時,我們使用叉子、刀子,以及湯匙。世界各地的人們都有不同的用餐習慣。
 今天的經文談到來自許多不同國家的人,使徒們向這些人宣講耶穌。去向其他人傳講耶穌也是我們的任務。 —DK/VLD
「所以,你們要去,使萬國萬民都作我的門徒。」 馬太福音28:19a

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Missionaries (3)
Bible Reading: Acts 2:5-11
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Missionaries (3)  In the United States, we use a fork, a knife and a spoon when we eat. People all over the world have different customs for the way they eat.
 In the Philippines, they eat rice with their hands or a big spoon. In Hong Kong, Japan and many other Asian countries, people eat with chopsticks. In some countries, people hold their knife and fork differently than we do in the United States. Some people keep their knife in their hand at all times. In places like Uganda, Eritrea and Ghana, people eat with their fingers. They use bread or meat as their spoon.
 There are different ways to eat, but all people need to eat food. In the same way, all people need God’s spiritual food. This food comes from God’s Word, the Bible.
 Our Bible Reading today talks about people from many different countries. The apostles taught these people about Jesus. It is our job to teach other people about Jesus, too. —DK/VLD
“So go and make followers of all people in the world.” Matthew 28:19a
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to share Your Word with other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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