
on 2013年3月21日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇19:7-14 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的話  小時候,我很喜歡去探望奶奶,但是,我很討厭她家裡的一樣東西──一個又大又醜的吸塵器。當奶奶啟動那台吸塵器時,它會發出很大的聲音,我以為那吸塵器是有生命的東西,會把我吃掉!每次看到它,我就大哭。
「求你使我不至於故意犯罪,不容許罪惡支配我。這樣,我就能成為無可指責的人,免犯悖逆重罪。」 詩篇19:13

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God’s Words
Bible Reading: Psalm 19:7-14
Thursday, March 21, 2013

God’s Words  When I was little, I loved to visit my grandmother. But there was one thing I hated in her house — a large, ugly vacuum. When Gram turned on the vacuum, it made a loud noise. I thought the vacuum was alive and was going to eat me! I cried every time I saw it.
 Gram also had steps that led upstairs. She wanted me to stay downstairs and not get into trouble. So Gram had a great idea! She set the vacuum at the bottom of the stairs. I wouldn’t go near that vacuum, so it kept me from getting into trouble.
 God’s words in the Bible keep me from getting into trouble, too. They warn me to stay away from sin. Verse 8b says, “The Lord’s commands are good. They show people the right way to live.”
 When I obey God’s words, I stay away from sin. God’s words help me do things that please Him. I hope you will pay attention to God’s words today! —SP*
“Don’t let me do what I know is wrong. Don’t let sin control me. If you help me, I can be pure and free from sin.” Psalm 19:13
PRAYER: Father, thank You for protecting and guiding me with Your words. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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