聖經閱讀:路加福音23:54-56 現代中譯本|合和本
今天的經文告訴我們,在耶穌的身體被安放在墓穴後接下來發生的事情。 有些婦女從加利利一路跟隨耶穌到耶路撒冷,這些人可能就是當耶穌死時、在十字架旁的同一批婦人們 (約翰福音19:25) 。她們跟著約瑟、也看到了耶穌的墓穴,她們就回去「為他的身體預備香料和香油膏」。(第56a節) 第56節經文的最後告訴我們,這些婦女卻先休息了,為甚麼呢?因為那天是安息日,上帝告訴猶太人在安息日這一天要休息。為耶穌的身體抹上香料很重要,但是,遵從上帝的法則更是重要。 有時候我們會想,我們有很多重要的事一定要去做,但是,我們可以做的、最重要的事就是遵從上帝。我們可以藉由讀經來知道上帝要我們做什麼,今天就遵從祂、信任祂吧!—BH 「因為那天正是猶太人的預備日,那墓穴又很近,他們就把耶穌葬在那裏。」 約翰福音19:42
(PPC譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
At the Cross (4)
Bible Reading: Luke 23:54-56
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Our Bible verses today tell us about what happened right after Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb. Some women had followed Jesus when He traveled to Jerusalem from Galilee. These are probably the same women who were at the cross when Jesus died (John 19:25). They followed Joseph and saw Jesus’ tomb. These women went “to prepare some sweet-smelling spices to put on the body” (verse 56a). The rest of verse 56 tells us that first the women rested. Why? Because it was the Sabbath Day, and God had told the Jews to rest on the Sabbath Day. It was important that they put spices on Jesus’ body, but it was even more important that the women obey God’s rules. Sometimes we think that we have very important things we must do. But the most important thing we can do is to obey God. We can read the Bible and learn what God wants us to do. Obey and trust Him today! —BH “The men put Jesus in that tomb because it was near, and the Jews were preparing to start their Sabbath Day.” John 19:42
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I want to always honor You and obey You. In His name. Amen. |
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