聖經閱讀:詩篇119:9-16 現代中譯本|合和本
當我一邊做事一邊解說的時侯,我的兩歲雙胞胎女兒專注地看著我。「現在我要在攪拌器裡加水」、「我要將調味粉倒入攪拌機裡」、「現在我要蓋上蓋子了」、以及「現在我要啟動它!」 我經常用這種方式跟女兒說話,這樣可以教她們認識字彙和句子的結構,但最重要的是,她們喜愛爸爸跟她們說話。 當天父對我們說話時,我們也應該感到興奮。上帝是怎麼對我們說話的呢?祂會藉著祂的話語,也就是聖經,來對我們說話。我們應該對聖經中的每一個細節感到強烈的興趣,並且對上帝想要跟我們說話感到開心。 今天閱讀的經文談到要研讀上帝的話語,為什麼呢?這樣我們就可以學習如何順服上帝並且不犯罪。 今天你要仔細研讀聖經,要注意上帝正在對你說的話。—BL 「我學習你的教導;我慎思你的訓誨。我以你的法律為樂;我不忘記你的命令。」 詩篇119:15-16
(KCC譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Speaks to Us
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Sunday, March 10, 2013
My twin two-year-old daughters carefully watch me as I explain what I am doing. “Now I am filling the blender with water. I am pouring the flavored powder into the blender. Now I am putting on the lid. And now I am turning it on!” I often talk like this with my daughters. It teaches them vocabulary and sentence structure. But most of all, they love to have their father talk to them. We should be excited, too, when our Heavenly Father talks to us. How does God talk to us? Through His Word, the Bible. We should be fascinated by every detail in the Bible and happy that God wants to talk to us. Our Bible verses today talk about studying God’s Word. Why? So that we can learn how to obey God and not sin. Carefully study the Bible today. Pay attention to what God is saying to you. —BL “I will study your instructions. I will give thought to your way of life. I enjoy your laws. I will not forget your word.” Psalm 119:15-16
PRAYER: Father, I want to always be excited to read Your Word and obey Your teachings. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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