工具 (1)

on 2013年3月2日 星期六
工具 (1)
聖經閱讀:羅馬書10:9-10 現代中譯本|合和本

工具 (1)  今天和接下來的幾天,我們要來談一談「工具」。當我寫這些靈修內容時,我需要一些工具,我使用了一本聖經和一部電腦。醫生會使用聽診器和體溫計,而老師則使用書本和紙張──我們所做的一切幾乎都需要工具。
「因為我們心裏這樣信,就得以成為義人,口裏這樣宣認,就會得救。」 羅馬書10:10

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Tools (1)
Bible Reading: Romans 10:9-10
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tools (1)  Today and for the next few days we will be talking about tools. I need tools as I write these devotions. I use a Bible and a computer. Doctors use stethoscopes and thermometers. Teachers use books and papers. Almost everything we do requires tools.
 Telling people about Jesus requires tools, too. Daily Devotions for the Deaf is a tool we can use. Many devotions in this book explain that we have sinned and need God’s forgiveness. These devotions include Bible verses that tell about God’s plan of salvation. One of these verses is verse 9 from our Bible Reading today.
 I encourage you to continue reading Daily Devotions for the Deaf. Share the devotions with your family, friends and coworkers who are not Christians. Teach them how they can be saved and have eternal life.
 Ask God to give you opportunities today to share His plan with other people. —GT
“Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe him, and so we are saved.” Romans 10:10
PRAYER: God, I want to use the right tools to tell other people about You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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