
on 2015年7月5日 星期日
聖經閱讀:創世記9:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

彩虹  夏季的愛荷華州常常會下一點小雨,偶爾來的暴風雨可能會很劇烈,但緊接著暴風雨常常是一道美麗的彩虹。
 當看見天空上的彩虹時,我們可以記得,上帝永遠信守祂的應許。祂已經應許耶穌有一天會再回來接祂的信徒去跟祂永遠同住,而且我們可以確定知道這件事一定會發生!今天就讚美上帝,謝謝祂賜下祂的應許。 —JK
「我就記得我與你們以及所有生物訂立的約:洪水不再?滅所有的生物。」 創世記9:16a

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Bible Reading: Genesis 9:1-17
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rainbows  We usually get quite a bit of rain in Iowa during the summer. Some rain storms can be very severe. But often these storms are followed by a beautiful rainbow.
 God sent a terrible flood to destroy the wicked people on earth. But He saved Noah, his family and many animals. Our Bible verses today tell us about when Noah and his family finally came out of the boat onto dry ground. God told Noah, “I will give you something to prove that I made this promise to you...I am putting a rainbow in the clouds as proof of the agreement between me and the earth” (verses 12-13). God’s agreement was that He would never again destroy all life on earth by a flood.
 When we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember that God always keeps His promises. He has promised that Jesus will come again someday to take His followers to live with Him forever. And we can know for sure that will happen! Praise God today and thank Him for His promises. —JK
“When I look and see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the agreement that continues forever.” Genesis 9:16a
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for Jesus and the promise that He will come again. In His name. Amen.

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