
on 2015年7月20日 星期一
聖經閱讀:路加福音4:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的話語  今天閱讀的經文跟我們談到魔鬼試探耶穌40天,這些經節告訴我們魔鬼三次企圖引誘耶穌犯罪。
 今天你會遇到試探,記得要倚靠上帝的話語來幫助你抵擋魔鬼,上帝的話語永遠不會失效! -DVH*
「要警醒戒備!你們的仇敵─魔鬼正像咆哮的獅子走來走去,搜索可吞吃的人。你們要信心堅定,抗拒他。」 彼得前書5:8-9a

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God's Word
Bible Reading: Luke 4:1-13
Monday, July 20, 2015

God's Word  Our Bible Reading today tells us that the devil tempted Jesus for 40 days. These verses tell us about three times that the devil tried to get Jesus to sin.
 Each time the devil tempted Jesus, He said, “No!” But Jesus also did something else — He repeated Bible verses to the devil. Jesus used God's Word to help Him defeat the devil.
 The devil tempts us every day, trying to get us to disobey God. When he does this, the best way to defeat him is to remember a Bible verse. That will help us obey God and not give in to the temptation. For example, if the devil is trying to get us to steal something, we can remember Exodus 20:15, “You must not steal anything.” If the devil is tempting us to lie, we can remember Ephesians 4:25a, “You must always speak the truth to each other.”
 You will face temptations today. Remember to depend on God's Word to help you resist the devil. God's Word will never fail! —DVH*
“Control yourselves and be careful! The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat. Refuse to follow the devil. Stand strong in your faith.” 1 Peter 5:8-9a
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your promise of living with You in heaven. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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