
on 2015年7月22日 星期三
聖經閱讀:創世記6:9-22 現代中譯本|合和本

順服  大多數人都知道挪亞造了一艘大船的聖經故事。上帝告訴挪亞:「我決定滅絕人類。世界充滿著他們的暴行,我要把他們跟這世界一起消滅。你要選用好的木材,為自己造一條船」(第13b-14a節)。
 上帝會因著你的順服而祝福你,請閱讀並順服上帝的話語! -JP*
「但是我要與你立約;你要領你的妻子、兒子、媳婦進到船裏。」 創世記6:18

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Bible Reading: Genesis 6:9-22
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Obedience  Most people know the Bible story about Noah building a big boat. God told Noah, “So I will destroy all living things. I will remove them from the earth. Use cypress wood and build a boat for yourself” (verse 13b).
 Maybe Noah did not understand why he should build a boat and gather animals to come on the boat. But verse 22 tells us that “Noah did everything God commanded him.” Noah obeyed God. Maybe there are things about the Bible that you don't understand. Or maybe you don't understand why God wants you to do certain things. We don't need to understand. We just need to be like Noah and obey!
 Chapters 8 and 9 of Genesis tell us that God kept Noah and his family safe in the boat. When the flood waters went down, Noah and his family left the boat and started a new life. God blessed Noah for his obedience.
 God will bless you for your obedience. Read God's Word and obey it! —JP*
“I will make a special agreement with you. You, your wife, your sons, and their wives will all go into the boat.” Genesis 6:18
PRAYER: Lord, I love You and I want to obey You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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