詩歌 (7)

on 2015年5月22日 星期五
詩歌 (7)
聖經閱讀:詩篇31:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (7)  何芮蕭斯巴弗生於1828年、死於1888年。他的獨生子在1871年的芝加哥大火中喪命,之後何芮蕭讓妻子和女兒搭船去法國,在航行的途中,那艘船跟另一艘船相撞沈沒了。何芮蕭的女兒們都死了,只有他的妻子活存下來。
 詩篇第31篇的作者也遭遇到苦難,而他信靠上帝來照顧自己。我們所有人在生活中都會遭遇困難,這些困難可能是財務問題、生病,或是心愛的人去世了,在這些過程中,我們必須信靠上帝來照顧自己。 —BH
「上主阿,我信靠你;你是我的上帝。我永遠在你的看顧中。」 詩篇31:14-15a

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Hymns (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-24
Tuesday, May 22, 2015

Hymns (7)  Horatio Spafford lived from 1828 to 1888. His only son died during the great fire in Chicago in 1871. Then Horatio sent his wife and daughters to France on a ship. During the voyage, the ship collided with another ship and sank. Horatio’s daughters died, but his wife survived.
 Horatio got on another ship and sailed to be with his wife. While sailing, he wrote the words of the hymn, “It is Well with My Soul.” These words have comforted many people who were facing troubles. “When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, ‘It is well. It is well with my soul.’”
 The writer of Psalm 31 faced troubles, too. And he depended on God to take care of him. We all have troubles in our lives. These troubles may be financial problems, sickness or the death of a loved one. During these times, we need to trust God and let Him take care of us. —BH
“Lord, I trust in you. You are my God. My life is in your hands.” Psalm 31:14-15a
PRAYER: Dear God, no matter what happens to me today, I want to trust You. Thank You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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