
on 2015年5月31日 星期日
聖經閱讀:腓立比書4:10-20 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝供應  在今天閱讀的經文裡,保羅說他感謝上帝總是供應他,接著在第19節,他說:「我的上帝會照他在基督耶穌裏那豐富的福澤把你們所需要的一切賜給你們。」
 上帝照顧保羅,祂也會照顧你。感謝上帝用奇妙的方式來供應你! -CL*
「我已經得到祕訣,隨時隨地,飽足好,飢餓也好,豐富好,缺乏也好,我都知足。藉基督所賜的力量,我能夠適應任何情況。」 腓立比書4:1b-13

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God Provides
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:10-20
Sunday, May 31, 2015

God Provides  In our Bible Reading today, Paul says that he is thankful that God has always provided for him. Then in verse 19 he says, “My God will use his glorious riches to give you everything you need. He will do this through Christ Jesus.”
 God provides food, clothing and shelter for us every day. He also gives us comfort and strength. When we rely on Him to provide for us, we become spiritually stronger.
 Here are some things you can do as you depend on God. First, pray about the things you need. Second, remember that God is the one who takes care of you. Third, be honest with God and tell Him how you feel about your needs. Fourth, share your needs with a friend and pray together every day.
 God took care of Paul, and He will take care of you, too. Thank God for the wonderful way He provides for you! —CL
“I have learned the secret of how to live through any kind of situation — when I have enough to eat or when I am hungry, when I have everything I need or when I have nothing. Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do.” Philippians 4:12b-13
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank You and praise You for always taking care of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年5月30日 星期六
聖經閱讀:羅馬書8:26-27 現代中譯本|合和本

需要幫助  世上有許多人需要眼鏡來幫助他們看東西,有些人需要助聽器來改善他們的聽力,但是有些人會害怕或不好意思戴上眼鏡或裝助聽器,所以他們就繼續這樣子,看不清楚或聽不見。
 上帝的聖靈是一份奇妙的禮物!不要害怕或覺得不好意思,當你向上帝禱告的時候,就請求聖靈幫助你。 -PD*
「洞察人心的上帝知道聖靈的意思,因為聖靈依照上帝的旨意,替他的子民祈求。」 羅馬書8:27

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Needing Help
Bible Reading: Romans 8:26-27
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Needing Help  Many people in the world need glasses to help them see or hearing aids to help them hear. But some people are afraid or embarrassed to wear glasses or hearing aids. So they go on in life, not being able to see or hear well.
 Sometimes we need help in our prayer life. But we are afraid or embarrassed to admit that we need help. It is not always easy for us to know God’s will. So God has given us help to strengthen our prayer life.
 This help that God gives us is His Holy Spirit. Verse 26 of our Bible Reading tells us, “...the Spirit helps us. We are very weak, but the Spirit helps us with our weakness. We don’t know how to pray as we should but the Spirit himself speaks to God for us. He begs God for us, speaking to him with feelings too deep for words.”
 God’s Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift! Don’t be afraid or embarrassed. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you pray to God. —PD
“God already knows our deepest thoughts. And he understands what the Spirit is saying, because the Spirit speaks for his people in the way that agrees with what God wants.” Romans 8:27
PRAYER: Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit Who helps me pray to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年5月29日 星期五
聖經閱讀:希伯來書4:6-11 現代中譯本|合和本

要忠心  我以前相信,只要單單相信耶穌就可以進入天堂,但是之後我讀了更多經文,才發現經上說,如果我想要與祂永遠同住,就必須對耶穌忠心。我對這點感到困惑,所以就向上帝禱告,請求上帝向我顯明祂的真理。
 我希望今天你會持守忠心。 -EP*
「所以,我們應該努力進入那安息;這樣,無論誰都不至於像那些違背命令的人跌倒失敗。」 希伯來書4:11

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Be Faithful
Bible Reading: Hebrews 4:6-11
Friday, May 29, 2015

Be Faithful  I used to believe that all I had to do was believe in Jesus and I would go to heaven. But then I started reading the Bible more. I found verses that said I must be faithful to Jesus if I want to live forever with Him. I was confused, so I prayed and asked God to show me His truth.
 Our Bible Reading helped me understand more about staying faithful. These verses tell us that the Israelites saw God work in their lives every day. But they still disobeyed. Then they were not allowed to enter the Promised Land. Their hearts became hard, and they did not faithfully continue to follow God.
 These verses showed me that even though I believe that Jesus is God’s Son, I need to stay faithful to Him every day. I can do this by reading the Bible, praying and obeying His Word. I must continue doing these things until I die.
 I hope you will continue to be faithful today. —EP*
“So let us try as hard as we can to enter God’s place of rest. We must try hard so that none of us will be lost by following the example of those who refused to obey God.” Hebrews 4:11
PRAYER: Father, I want to be bold and tell others about Jesus. In His name. Amen.


on 2015年5月28日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇1:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的引導  我的年長親戚有一輛不停故障的車,她不想再買另外一部車,因為上帝並沒有告訴她去買新車。我的朋友被資遣了,但他不想去找另外一份工作,直等到上帝告訴他去找工作。
 也許你正在努力克服一個問題而且不知道答案是什麼,就禱告請求上帝幫助你,然後使用祂的話語來引導你,讓你知道如何服事祂。 -BL
「他只愛慕上主的法律,日夜默誦不倦。他像移植溪水邊的果樹,按季節結果子,葉子也不凋零。他所做的事樣樣順利」 詩篇1:2b-3

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God's Guidance
Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-6
Thursday, May 28, 2015

God's Guidance  My elderly relative has a car that keeps breaking down. She won't buy a different car because God has not told her to get a new car. My friend is being laid off his job and won't look for another job until God tells him to look for a job.
 Sometimes people refuse to do something. They say that God has not spoken to them and told them to do that thing. But God has never promised He will give us clear answers to every question we ask Him. He often expects us to read the Bible and apply His message to our lives.
 The writer of Psalm 1 reminds us that we need to read and study God's Word. If we do that, we will be spiritually strong. God's Word will guide us and help us make wise decisions.
 Maybe you are struggling with a problem and don't know the answer. Pray and ask God to help you. Then use His Word to guide you and show you how to serve Him. —BL
“...they love the Lord's teachings and think about them day and night. So they grow strong, like a tree planted by a stream — a tree that produces fruit when it should has leaves that never fall.” Psalm 1:2b-3
PRAYER: Dear God, please guide me through Your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.


on 2015年5月27日 星期三
聖經閱讀:士師記6:11-16 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝可以使用你  今天閱讀的經文跟我們談到基甸的故事。上帝的天使告訴基甸,祂希望基甸去幫忙擊退米甸人的軍隊,基甸回答說:「主啊,我怎能解救以色列呢?我屬於瑪拿西支族最弱的宗族;我是家裏最不重要的人」(第15b節)。
 上帝也可以使用你,你要繼續相信祂,祂會向你顯明你可以為祂做的大事。 -JP*
「我沒有足夠的時間去提基甸、巴拉、參孫、耶弗他、大衛、撒母耳,和先知們的事蹟呢。他們藉著信心,戰勝了周圍的國家。」 希伯來書 11:32b-33a

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God Can Use You
Bible Reading: Judges 6:11-16
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

God Can Use You  Our Bible verses today tell us about Gideon. God’s angel told Gideon that He wanted Gideon to help defeat the Midianite army. Gideon answered, “How can I save Israel? My family group is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh, and I am the youngest one in my family” (verse 15b).
 Even though Gideon thought he was weak, God knew his heart and his willingness to obey. God told Gideon, “I will be with you, so you can defeat the Midianites as easily as if they were only one man” (verse 16).
 Because God is so powerful, He is able to use even the weakest person to do His work. Many important Bible people had weaknesses — Moses, King David, Paul and many others. But God knew these people had faith, and He did great things through them.
 God can use you, too. Keep trusting Him, and He will show you the great things you can do for Him. —JP*
“I don’t have enough time to tell you about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. All of them had great faith. And with that faith they defeated kingdoms.” Hebrews 11:32b-33a
PRAYER: Lord, I will always trust You and obey You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2015年5月26日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇119:9-16 現代中譯本|合和本

研讀聖經  在詩篇第119篇中,「研讀」這個詞被使用了7次,可見這詩篇的作者一定認為研讀上帝的話語是重要的事。當明白上帝的話語時,我們就能遵守它而不犯罪,第15節說:「我學習你的教導;我慎思你的訓誨。」
 我希望你每天研讀上帝的話語,那麼你就可以說:「我以你的法律為樂;我不忘記你的命令」(第16節)。 -GT
「我把你的話存在心裡,免得我得罪你。」 詩篇119:11

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Bible Study
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bible Study  In Psalm 119, the word “study” is used seven times. So the psalm writer must have thought that studying God’s Word was important. When we understand God’s Word, we can obey it and not sin. Verse 15 says, “I will study your instructions. I will give thought to your way of life.”
 Studying the Bible may seem hard to you. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start. Or maybe you struggle with understanding Bible verses. One idea that may help you is to study the Bible with a Christian friend.
 You and a friend can read a Bible passage together and then talk about what you have read. You can ask questions like, “Who wrote these verses?” “To whom were these verses written?” “What is happening in these verses?” “What does God want us to learn from these verses?”
 I hope that you study God’s Word every day. Then you can say, “I enjoy your laws. I will not forget your word” (verse 16). —GT
“I study your teachings very carefully so that I will not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for Your Word, the Bible. I want to study Your Word so I can obey Your commands. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

詩歌 (10)

on 2015年5月25日 星期一
詩歌 (10)
聖經閱讀:羅馬書5:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (10)  我們要來看的最後一位詩歌作者是弗朗西絲海弗格爾(1836-1879)。她病了很多年,才四十三歲就去世了,但弗朗西絲寫了許多關於上帝的平安和喜樂的詩歌。
 上帝的平安一直幫助我面對生命中的困難,我希望今天你也能經歷上帝的平安,祂愛你,並且希望成為你的朋友! —BH
「不但這樣,我們已經得以跟上帝和好,不也藉著我們的主耶穌基督以上帝為樂嗎?」 羅馬書5:11

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Hymns (10)
Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-11
Tuesday, May 25, 2015

Hymns (10)  The last hymn writer we will look at is Frances Havergal (1836-1879). She was sick for many years and died when she was only forty-three. But Frances wrote many hymns that talk about God’s peace and joy.
 One of Frances’ hymns, “Like a River Glorious,” talks about how we can have peace through all our experiences in life. Here are some words from the last verse of this song: “Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest.”
 In our Bible Reading today, Paul tells us about God’s peace. Paul says that we have this peace because of “the blood sacrifice of Christ” (verse 9b). Paul continues to say that when we have this peace, we are God’s friends.
 God’s peace has helped me face difficulties in my life. I hope that you will experience God’s peace today. He loves you and wants to be your friend! —BH
“And not only will we be saved, but we also rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.” Romans 5:11
PRAYER: Lord, I trust You to give me Your perfect peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

詩歌 (9)

on 2015年5月24日 星期日
詩歌 (9)
聖經閱讀:腓立比書3:12-21 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (9)  芬妮克羅斯比(1820-1915)一生中寫超過8000首詩歌!在嬰孩時期,她的眼睛出了問題,最後就全盲了。
「弟兄姊妹們,我並不認為我已經贏得了這獎賞;我只專心一件事:就是忘記背後,全力追求前面的事。」 腓立比書3:13

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Hymns (9)
Bible Reading: Philippians 3:12-21
Tuesday, May 24, 2015

Hymns (9)  Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) wrote more than 8000 hymns during her lifetime! As a baby, she had eye problems and later became totally blind.
 But Fanny never complained about being blind. She always said that she was happy that her first sight in heaven would be Jesus. In the hymn, “My Savior First of All,” she wrote these words: “I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side, and His smile will be the first to welcome me.”
 In our Bible verses today Paul says, “I don’t mean that I am exactly what God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal. But I continue trying to reach it and make it mine” (verse 12a). Both Paul and Fanny kept on serving God and doing what He wanted them to do.
 I hope that I can have this same attitude — that I can depend on God and look forward to seeing Jesus someday! —BH
“Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go. But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me.” Philippians 3:13
PRAYER: God, I am excited to think about seeing Jesus someday. In His name. Amen.

詩歌 (8)

on 2015年5月23日 星期六
詩歌 (8)
聖經閱讀:詩篇57:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

0">詩歌 (8)  剛結婚的時候,我先生跟我搬到另外一州,幾個月後,我的祖母去世了。所有這些變化讓我感到傷心、沮喪,我只想要找一個平靜的地方休息。
 詩篇第57篇談到面臨危險和迫害的時候,作者仍然讚美上帝並記念祂偉大的愛。今天就花時間來感謝上帝的幫助,並讚美祂的偉大! —BH

「主啊,我要在列國中感謝你;我要在萬民中頌讚你。你永恆的愛上達高天;你的信實高入雲霄。上帝啊,願你的偉大彰顯於高天;願你的榮耀彌漫大地。」 詩篇57:9-11

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Hymns (8)
Bible Reading: Psalm 57:1-11
Tuesday, May 23, 2015

Hymns (8)  When I was first married, my husband and I moved to a different state. A few months later my grandmother died. All of these changes caused me to be sad and depressed. I just wanted to find a safe place and rest.
 That may be how William Cushing (1823-1902) felt. His wife died very suddenly, and then he lost his voice. William was a pastor, so when this happened, he had to quit preaching. He prayed to God for help. Soon William started writing hymns. One of his most famous hymns is “Under His Wings.” This song talks about how we can be safe when we trust God to take care of us. “Under His wings, my soul shall abide, safely abide forever.”
 Psalm 57 talks about facing times of danger and persecution. But the writer praises God and remembers His great love. Take time today to thank God for His help and to praise Him for being such a great God! —BH

“My Lord, I will praise you before all people. I will sing praises about you to every nation. Your faithful love is higher than the highest clouds in the sky! Rise above the heavens, God. Let all the world see your glory.” Psalm 57:9-11
PRAYER: Father, thank You for always protecting me. Thank You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

詩歌 (7)

on 2015年5月22日 星期五
詩歌 (7)
聖經閱讀:詩篇31:1-24 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (7)  何芮蕭斯巴弗生於1828年、死於1888年。他的獨生子在1871年的芝加哥大火中喪命,之後何芮蕭讓妻子和女兒搭船去法國,在航行的途中,那艘船跟另一艘船相撞沈沒了。何芮蕭的女兒們都死了,只有他的妻子活存下來。
 詩篇第31篇的作者也遭遇到苦難,而他信靠上帝來照顧自己。我們所有人在生活中都會遭遇困難,這些困難可能是財務問題、生病,或是心愛的人去世了,在這些過程中,我們必須信靠上帝來照顧自己。 —BH
「上主阿,我信靠你;你是我的上帝。我永遠在你的看顧中。」 詩篇31:14-15a

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Hymns (7)
Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-24
Tuesday, May 22, 2015

Hymns (7)  Horatio Spafford lived from 1828 to 1888. His only son died during the great fire in Chicago in 1871. Then Horatio sent his wife and daughters to France on a ship. During the voyage, the ship collided with another ship and sank. Horatio’s daughters died, but his wife survived.
 Horatio got on another ship and sailed to be with his wife. While sailing, he wrote the words of the hymn, “It is Well with My Soul.” These words have comforted many people who were facing troubles. “When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, ‘It is well. It is well with my soul.’”
 The writer of Psalm 31 faced troubles, too. And he depended on God to take care of him. We all have troubles in our lives. These troubles may be financial problems, sickness or the death of a loved one. During these times, we need to trust God and let Him take care of us. —BH
“Lord, I trust in you. You are my God. My life is in your hands.” Psalm 31:14-15a
PRAYER: Dear God, no matter what happens to me today, I want to trust You. Thank You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.