聖經閱讀:歌羅西書1:13-18 現代中譯本|合和本
「撤退」是指人們從一個危險的地方遷移到一個安全之地。西元前480年,有十萬人因為波斯大軍要來攻打他們而撤離雅典。在第二次世界大戰期間,很多人撤退到安全的地方。 有史以來,有好幾百萬人曾經從危險的地方遷移到安全之地。現今世界上有很多人正處於下地獄的危險中,但是由於耶穌的死,使得這些人可以到一個安全並充滿喜樂的地方。 在今天的經文中,保羅提醒歌羅西的基督徒,他們已經藉著耶穌被帶到一個安全的地方:「他救我們脫離了黑暗的權勢,使我們生活在他愛子的主權下」(第13節)。 你是否身處在一個安全之地呢?你是否順服上帝並且已經將你的生命獻給祂呢?今天就感謝祂藉著耶穌基督讓我們可以擁有安全之地。 —BL 「上帝親自決定使兒子有他自己完整的特質。藉著兒子,上帝決定使全宇宙再跟自己和好。」 歌羅西書1:19-20a
(林煜茹譯) |
Place of Safety
Bible Reading: Colossians 1:13-18
Monday, October 6, 2014
An evacuation is when people are moved from a dangerous place to one that is safe. In 480 BC, 100,000 people left the city of Athens because the Persian army was coming to attack them. During World War II, many people were evacuated to places of safety. Throughout history, millions of people have moved from a dangerous place to a place of safety. Many people in the world today are in danger of going to hell. But Jesus died so that these people could go to a place of safety and joy. In our verses today, Paul reminds the Christians in Colossae that they had been brought to a place of safety through Jesus. “God made us free from the power of darkness. And he brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son” (verse 13). Are you in a safe place? Have you obeyed God and given your life to Him? Thank Him today for the safety we can have through Jesus Christ. —BL “God was pleased for all of himself to live in the Son. And through him, God was happy to bring all things back to himself again — things on earth and things in heaven.” Colossians 1:19-20a
PRAYER: Thank You, Father, for safety through Jesus. In His name. Amen. |
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