聖經閱讀:加拉太書6:6-10 現代中譯本|合和本
在我的朋友卡蘿手術後,我帶她去看醫生。當要離開醫院時,我們注意到一個年輕女士在候診室裡,她臉色蒼白、呼吸困難。 我告訴護士這位女士要快點看醫生,但是卡蘿走向那女士,她用雙臂抱住那女士安慰她。卡蘿自己曾經受過這種苦──她曾經歷過三次癌症手術。 今天的經文提醒我們要持續不斷像卡蘿一樣做好事,第9節說:「所以,我們行善,不可喪志;我們若不灰心,時候到了就有收成。」有時候,我們很容易假裝沒看見而漠視別人的困難,但是上帝希望我們奉祂的名去行善。 想一想今天你會遇見的人,要用親切和同情的態度對待他們,並且為上帝行善。—NM 「要彼此分擔重擔,這樣就是成全基督的命令。一無所有而自以為了不起的人只是欺騙自己罷了。」 加拉太書6:2-3
(尤榮輝譯) |
Doing Good
Bible Reading: Galatians 6:6-10
Monday, October 20, 2014
I took my friend, Carol, to the doctor after her surgery. As we were leaving we noticed a young woman in the waiting room. She was pale and breathing heavily. I mentioned to the nurse that this woman should see a doctor soon. But Carol went right to the woman. She held the woman in her arms and comforted her. Carol had experienced this kind of suffering herself — she had gone through three cancer surgeries. Our Bible verses today remind us to keep on doing good things like Carol did. Verse 9 says, “We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up.” Sometimes it is easy just to look the other way and ignore people's problems. But God wants us to do good things in His name. Think about the people you will meet today. Be kind and compassionate and do good for God. —NM “Help each other with your troubles. When you do this, you are obeying the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to do this, you are only fooling yourself.” Galatians 6:2-3
PRAYER: Lord, guide me to be a blessing to other people today. In Jesus' name. Amen. |
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